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Trip Computer Pin Outs - Mk2

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The Ford Mondeo hit our roads in 1993, and has consistently been a sales success. Now on its 4th incarnation, it remains a drivers favourite.
For more information, visit the Ford Mondeo forum on, the definitive resource site covering all Fords from the present day to the 1970's.

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Ford Model: Mondeo
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Mk2 trip computer plug pin outs

Upto 1998

Pin1 vss

Pin2 not used

Pin3 ignition power

Pin4 illumination feed

Pin5 ground

Pin6 output to aws modual

Pin7 not used

Pin8 fuel remain

Pin9 fuel flow

Pin10 instrument interface modual

Pin11 alarm led

Pin12 memory power

Pin13 temp sensor live

Pln14 temp sensor negative

Pin15 not used

1998 Onwards

Ford revised the stock fuel tank sender to work with rEL 3.6, 4.0 and 5.0 and as a result the trips need to be wired in a little differently.

Pin1 vss

Pin2 not used

Pin3 ignition power

Pin4 illumination feed

Pin5 ground

Pin6 output to aws modual

Pin7 fuel remain

Pin8 not used

Pin9 fuel flow

Pin10 instrument interface modual

Pin11 alarm led

Pin12 memory power

Pin13 temp sensor live

Pln14 temp sensor negative

Pin15 live for 1998 onwards with rEL 3.6,4.0 and 5.0.