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System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
login-throttled (Talk) (Translate) | You have made too many recent login attempts. Please wait $1 before trying again. |
login-userblocked (Talk) (Translate) | This user is blocked. Login not allowed. |
loginend (Talk) (Translate) | |
loginend-https (Talk) (Translate) | |
loginerror (Talk) (Translate) | Login error |
loginlanguagelabel (Talk) (Translate) | Language: $1 |
loginlanguagelinks (Talk) (Translate) | * {{#language:de}}|de * {{#language:en}}|en * {{#language:eo}}|eo * {{#language:fr}}|fr * {{#language:es}}|es * {{#language:it}}|it * {{#language:nl}}|nl |
loginprompt (Talk) (Translate) | |
loginreqlink (Talk) (Translate) | log in |
loginreqpagetext (Talk) (Translate) | Please $1 to view other pages. |
loginreqtitle (Talk) (Translate) | Login required |
loginstart (Talk) (Translate) | |
loginsuccess (Talk) (Translate) | <strong>You are now logged in to {{SITENAME}} as "$1".</strong> |
loginsuccesstitle (Talk) (Translate) | Login successful |
logout (Talk) (Translate) | Log out |
logouttext (Talk) (Translate) | <strong>You are now logged out.</strong> Note that some pages may continue to be displayed as if you were still logged in, until you clear your browser cache. |
lonelypages (Talk) (Translate) | Orphaned pages |
lonelypages-summary (Talk) (Translate) | |
lonelypagestext (Talk) (Translate) | The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages in {{SITENAME}}. |
longpage-hint (Talk) (Translate) | - |
longpageerror (Talk) (Translate) | <strong>Error: The text you have submitted is {{PLURAL:$1|one kilobyte|$1 kilobytes}} long, which is longer than the maximum of {{PLURAL:$2|one kilobyte|$2 kilobytes}}.</strong> It cannot be saved. |
longpages (Talk) (Translate) | Long pages |
longpages-summary (Talk) (Translate) | |
mailerror (Talk) (Translate) | Error sending mail: $1 |
mailmypassword (Talk) (Translate) | Reset password |
mailnologin (Talk) (Translate) | No send address |
mailnologintext (Talk) (Translate) | You must be [[Special:UserLogin|logged in]] and have a valid email address in your [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] to send email to other users. |
mainpage (Talk) (Translate) | Main Page |
mainpage-description (Talk) (Translate) | Main page |
mainpage-nstab (Talk) (Translate) | |
maintenance (Talk) (Translate) | Run maintenance scripts |
maintenance-attachLatest (Talk) (Translate) | Use this form to fix entries in the page table where page_latest is set to 0 |
maintenance-attachLatest-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Fix page_latest entries in the page table |
maintenance-attachLatest-option-fix (Talk) (Translate) | Actually fix the entries, will dry run otherwise |
maintenance-attachLatest-output-begin (Talk) (Translate) | Looking for pages with page_latest set to 0... |
maintenance-attachLatest-output-done (Talk) (Translate) | Done! Processed $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}. |
maintenance-attachLatest-output-dryrun (Talk) (Translate) | This was a dry run; rerun with "{{int:maintenance-attachLatest-option-fix}}" to update page_latest. |
maintenance-attachLatest-output-found (Talk) (Translate) | $1 $2 [[$3]] latest time $4, rev id $5 |
maintenance-attachLatest-output-norev (Talk) (Translate) | $1 $2 [[$3]] latest time $4, cannot find revision id |
maintenance-attachLatest-output-notime (Talk) (Translate) | $1 $2 [[$3]] cannot find the latest rev time?! |
maintenance-backlink (Talk) (Translate) | Back to script selection |
maintenance-benchmarkPurge (Talk) (Translate) | Use this form to test how long the Squid purge functions take |
maintenance-benchmarkPurge-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Benchmark the Squid purge functions |
maintenance-benchmarkPurge-error-nosquid (Talk) (Translate) | Squid purge benchmark doesn't do much without Squid support on. |
maintenance-benchmarkPurge-option-count (Talk) (Translate) | How many URLs to feed to Squid for purging |
maintenance-benchmarkPurge-output-numsquids (Talk) (Translate) | There are $1 defined Squid {{PLURAL:$1|server|servers}}: |
maintenance-benchmarkPurge-output-trial (Talk) (Translate) | $1 {{PLURAL:$1|title|titles}} in $2ms ($3ms each) |
maintenance-changePassword (Talk) (Translate) | Use this form to change a user's password |
maintenance-changePassword-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Change a user's password |
maintenance-changePassword-error-nouser (Talk) (Translate) | No such user: $1 |
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