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System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
maintenance-re-report (Talk) (Translate) | Print out details of what would be changed, but do not update it |
maintenance-re-rr (Talk) (Translate) | Run the script again without "$1" to update. |
maintenance-re-to (Talk) (Translate) | Name of the user to assign edits to |
maintenance-re-total (Talk) (Translate) | Total entries to change: $1 |
maintenance-reassignEdits (Talk) (Translate) | Use this form to reassign edits from one user to another. |
maintenance-reassignEdits-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Reassign edits from one user to another |
maintenance-revdelete (Talk) (Translate) | Deleting {{PLURAL:$3|revision|revisions}} $1 from wiki $2 |
maintenance-revnotfound (Talk) (Translate) | Revision $1 not found! |
maintenance-runJobs (Talk) (Translate) | |
maintenance-runJobs-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Run jobs in the job queue |
maintenance-runJobs-error-invalidprocs (Talk) (Translate) | You must specify between 1 and 1000 processes |
maintenance-runJobs-option-exclusive (Talk) (Translate) | Run only one exclusive runJobs script at a time. Timeout is 1800 seconds. |
maintenance-runJobs-option-maxjobs (Talk) (Translate) | Maximum number of jobs to run |
maintenance-runJobs-option-procs (Talk) (Translate) | Number of processes to use |
maintenance-runJobs-option-type (Talk) (Translate) | Type of job to run |
maintenance-runJobs-output-job (Talk) (Translate) | {{int:maintenance-generic-notrans|$1}} |
maintenance-showCacheStats (Talk) (Translate) | |
maintenance-showCacheStats-admins (Talk) (Translate) | Number of admins: $1 |
maintenance-showCacheStats-articles (Talk) (Translate) | Number of pages in the main namespace: $1 |
maintenance-showCacheStats-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Show Memcached statistics |
maintenance-showCacheStats-edits (Talk) (Translate) | Number of edits: $1 |
maintenance-showCacheStats-images (Talk) (Translate) | Number of files: $1 |
maintenance-showCacheStats-pages (Talk) (Translate) | Number of pages: $1 |
maintenance-showCacheStats-update (Talk) (Translate) | Updating database{{int:ellipsis}} |
maintenance-showCacheStats-users (Talk) (Translate) | Number of users: $1 |
maintenance-showCacheStats-views (Talk) (Translate) | Number of pageviews: $1 |
maintenance-showJobs (Talk) (Translate) | |
maintenance-showJobs-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Show a list of jobs pending in the job queue |
maintenance-showJobs-option-group (Talk) (Translate) | Show number of jobs per job type |
maintenance-showJobs-output-job (Talk) (Translate) | {{int:maintenance-generic-notrans|$1}} |
maintenance-sql (Talk) (Translate) | Use this form to execute a SQL query on the database. |
maintenance-sql-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Execute an SQL query |
maintenance-sql-error-cantopen (Talk) (Translate) | Unable to open input file |
maintenance-sql-error-sql (Talk) (Translate) | {{int:maintenance-generic-notrans|$1}} |
maintenance-sql-option-file (Talk) (Translate) | SQL to execute |
maintenance-sql-output-aff (Talk) (Translate) | Query OK, $1 {{PLURAL:$1|row|rows}} affected |
maintenance-sql-output-row (Talk) (Translate) | {{int:maintenance-generic-notrans|$1}} |
maintenance-titlenoexist (Talk) (Translate) | Title specified ("$1") does not exist! |
maintenance-update (Talk) (Translate) | Use UPDATE when updating a table? Unchecked uses DELETE/INSERT instead. |
maintenance-userexists (Talk) (Translate) | User already exists! |
mar (Talk) (Translate) | Mar |
march (Talk) (Translate) | March |
march-date (Talk) (Translate) | March $1 |
march-gen (Talk) (Translate) | March |
markaspatrolleddiff (Talk) (Translate) | Mark as patrolled |
markaspatrolledlink (Talk) (Translate) | [$1] |
markaspatrolledtext (Talk) (Translate) | Mark this page as patrolled |
markedaspatrolled (Talk) (Translate) | Marked as patrolled |
markedaspatrollederror (Talk) (Translate) | Cannot mark as patrolled |
markedaspatrollederror-noautopatrol (Talk) (Translate) | You are not allowed to mark your own changes as patrolled. |
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