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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Name Default message text
Current message text
maintenance-re-report (Talk) (Translate) Print out details of what would be changed, but do not update it
maintenance-re-rr (Talk) (Translate) Run the script again without "$1" to update.
maintenance-re-to (Talk) (Translate) Name of the user to assign edits to
maintenance-re-total (Talk) (Translate) Total entries to change: $1
maintenance-reassignEdits (Talk) (Translate) Use this form to reassign edits from one user to another.
maintenance-reassignEdits-desc (Talk) (Translate) Reassign edits from one user to another
maintenance-revdelete (Talk) (Translate) Deleting {{PLURAL:$3|revision|revisions}} $1 from wiki $2
maintenance-revnotfound (Talk) (Translate) Revision $1 not found!
maintenance-runJobs (Talk) (Translate)  
maintenance-runJobs-desc (Talk) (Translate) Run jobs in the job queue
maintenance-runJobs-error-invalidprocs (Talk) (Translate) You must specify between 1 and 1000 processes
maintenance-runJobs-option-exclusive (Talk) (Translate) Run only one exclusive runJobs script at a time. Timeout is 1800 seconds.
maintenance-runJobs-option-maxjobs (Talk) (Translate) Maximum number of jobs to run
maintenance-runJobs-option-procs (Talk) (Translate) Number of processes to use
maintenance-runJobs-option-type (Talk) (Translate) Type of job to run
maintenance-runJobs-output-job (Talk) (Translate) {{int:maintenance-generic-notrans|$1}}
maintenance-showCacheStats (Talk) (Translate)  
maintenance-showCacheStats-admins (Talk) (Translate) Number of admins: $1
maintenance-showCacheStats-articles (Talk) (Translate) Number of pages in the main namespace: $1
maintenance-showCacheStats-desc (Talk) (Translate) Show Memcached statistics
maintenance-showCacheStats-edits (Talk) (Translate) Number of edits: $1
maintenance-showCacheStats-images (Talk) (Translate) Number of files: $1
maintenance-showCacheStats-pages (Talk) (Translate) Number of pages: $1
maintenance-showCacheStats-update (Talk) (Translate) Updating database{{int:ellipsis}}
maintenance-showCacheStats-users (Talk) (Translate) Number of users: $1
maintenance-showCacheStats-views (Talk) (Translate) Number of pageviews: $1
maintenance-showJobs (Talk) (Translate)  
maintenance-showJobs-desc (Talk) (Translate) Show a list of jobs pending in the job queue
maintenance-showJobs-option-group (Talk) (Translate) Show number of jobs per job type
maintenance-showJobs-output-job (Talk) (Translate) {{int:maintenance-generic-notrans|$1}}
maintenance-sql (Talk) (Translate) Use this form to execute a SQL query on the database.
maintenance-sql-desc (Talk) (Translate) Execute an SQL query
maintenance-sql-error-cantopen (Talk) (Translate) Unable to open input file
maintenance-sql-error-sql (Talk) (Translate) {{int:maintenance-generic-notrans|$1}}
maintenance-sql-option-file (Talk) (Translate) SQL to execute
maintenance-sql-output-aff (Talk) (Translate) Query OK, $1 {{PLURAL:$1|row|rows}} affected
maintenance-sql-output-row (Talk) (Translate) {{int:maintenance-generic-notrans|$1}}
maintenance-titlenoexist (Talk) (Translate) Title specified ("$1") does not exist!
maintenance-update (Talk) (Translate) Use UPDATE when updating a table? Unchecked uses DELETE/INSERT instead.
maintenance-userexists (Talk) (Translate) User already exists!
mar (Talk) (Translate) Mar
march (Talk) (Translate) March
march-date (Talk) (Translate) March $1
march-gen (Talk) (Translate) March
markaspatrolleddiff (Talk) (Translate) Mark as patrolled
markaspatrolledtext (Talk) (Translate) Mark this page as patrolled
markedaspatrolled (Talk) (Translate) Marked as patrolled
markedaspatrollederror (Talk) (Translate) Cannot mark as patrolled
markedaspatrollederror-noautopatrol (Talk) (Translate) You are not allowed to mark your own changes as patrolled.
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